Film Synopsis
Making the Film
It began as a twist of fate. In 2002, during an African safari trip, Suzanne Cross and John Simpson made a side visit to the Nkomo Primary School. They returned four more times, becoming friends and supporters of the Nkomo School, the educators, and the children.
Back home, they shared their stories with family and friends and a filmmaker friend said the story would make a good documentary. They realized this was a very interesting story of success in a region with very little, and during their visits saw how it has positively changed the lives of the local children and the community. They also wanted to capture the challenges of this poor, rural community and share their proud Zulu culture and traditions with other parts of the world.
They’ve documented this amazing story showing how with hope, vision and dedication Mrs. Zikhali has led the Nkomo School to its prominence in the community.
(Scroll down the PDF below to read them)
Everyone was excited to tell the story of how Nkomo School began under four trees, but we also wanted to capture the challenges of this poor, rural community and share their proud Zulu culture and traditions with other parts of the world.
Announcing A New Film!
We’re Making a Movie
The Gift of Passion
Equipment Needs & Wants
Contracts and Permits to Keep Us Out of Trouble
What is an ATA Carnet????
Where is “Under Four Trees”?
Throwing Out The Web-Net, Searching for Support
Collaborative Nature of the Doc Film Business
Fiscal Sponsorship Decisions
Finally Heading to South Africa to Begin Filming
It’s All About the Relationships
The Beginning of the Back Story
The Children, Their Excitement & Their Challenges